
Our extensive depth provides our clients with the benefit of a single source of specialized experts.
NFC has investigated numerous losses involving the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria; what causes their growth; and what the potential health effects might be.

Whether the loss occurs in a place of business or a residence, all property, casualty, and worker’s compensation adjusters must understand the facts when handling such files. These losses are challenging from both a technical and a legal perspective. Therefore, when handling files of this type, it is imperative to consult with NFC directly.


In this area, NFC has the ability to:

Determine the source of moisture responsible for mold or mildew growth.
This may require an architect or structural engineer to investigate the building envelope, including the roof, windows, siding, flashings, insulation, and basement level for evidence of seepage, condensation or groundwater penetration. In addition, the detection of leaks in the plumbing or HVAC systems may require the expertise of a mechanical engineer.

Document the indoor environmental conditions.
A biochemist, industrial hygienist or toxicologist can properly investigate the effects of temperature, relative humidity, and other factors in the growth of microorganisms. Through atmospheric testing and wipe sampling, we can identify the species, concentration level, and potential for health problems.

Recommend remedial action.
Once the source of the moisture and the type of biological contaminant has been identified, our team of experts can recommend measures to prevent the continued infiltration of moisture, specify the methods and limits of drying, and determine the extent of cleaning and restoration needed to return the building to its original, safe condition.

Not all indoor air pollution is caused by mold, mildew, or bacteria. Chemical contamination in many forms can cause a wide variety of physical complaints. Our team of scientists can review the information about the affected people and test the building for the suspected irritants. Once identified, we can recommend cleaning limits and techniques.

NFC's Experts are skilled in diverse disciplines, making us a "one stop shop" for our clients' investigative needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you by providing credible forensic engineering and technical expertise.

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